Whether you’re treading through the early beginnings of your first entrepreneurial effort or have a long history as a well-established business in your community, understanding how to increase your visibility online with local search engine optimization (SEO) will leave you with an advantage over your competition.

local seo strategy tips on laptop

What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO is the act of increasing the visibility of your business to the community that you are serving. When someone searches for specific products or services related to your business, local SEO helps put your business as a top result.

Where Does Your Small Business Start with Local SEO?

Improve and Optimize Your Small Business Website

An optimized, easy to navigate, and streamlined website is a great starting point. It will not only produce better search results, but it will also provide your potential customers with a better overall experience from the start. Improve page speed and accessibility and include keywords specific to your business and location throughout your website to help boost your local SEO ranking.

Ensure Your NAP is Consistent

In today’s world, search engines are accessing, verifying, and organizing data across multiple locations where your business information exists online. These locations include your website, social media accounts, your business listings (Google My Business, Yelp, etc.), and more. It’s essential to ensure your NAP (Name, Address, Phone) is up to date and matches uniformly across the web as this will help Google recognize your business and location, and in turn, improve your local SEO ranking. Check out our blog post on NAP and local online strategy to learn more.

Get Help with Your Local SEO

At Igniting Business, our team of industry experts understand the many nuances of local SEO and strive to help boost your SEO ranking and help your small business succeed. To learn more about our ongoing SEO services, contact us today!