Today, with many consumers never looking past the first page of Google when searching for a specific product/service, achieving a high search engine ranking is essential for your small business’ success. In order to boost your ranking, it’s critical to utilize numerous search engine optimization (SEO) techniques. One important SEO technique to consider is to ensure your target keywords are included in your website content. However, when using keywords, there are a few best practices to remember.

small business using target keywords to boost seo

Avoid Keyword Stuffing

Formerly, a tactic called “keyword stuffing” was an easy way to manipulate one’s search engine ranking. By stuffing numerous (related and unrelated) keywords into a web page’s content, you could boost your website’s ranking. However, this led to a poor user experience as these pages were mostly devoid of useful content. Google and other search engines have since implemented more sophisticated algorithms to filter out keyword-stuffed pages and provide searchers with the best possible results for their query.

Use Target Keywords

Instead of stuffing your web pages with a bunch of irrelevant keywords, create content that organically includes targeted keywords relevant to your business, industry, location, and niche. Using targeted keywords will help search engines determine what your page and small business is about, therefore boosting your website ranking for relevant search queries.

Introducing Keyword Variety

When using keywords in your website content, it’s also important to incorporate a variety of your targeted keywords. For example, instead of only using the keyword "blender" over and over, you could also use the words "juicer" or "food processor." Since different people use different words to describe specific products/services, incorporating keyword variety into your content will help put your website in front of a higher volume of relevant search queries and even new demographics.

At Igniting Business, our SEO experts are here to help your small business research your target keywords and improve your search engine ranking. For more tips on how to incorporate keywords into your website content, or to learn more about our ongoing SEO services, contact us today!