Branding is an invaluable tool, especially for small businesses. A strong brand is one that is recognizable, clear and consistent. Such a brand generates repeat business, referrals, and adds value to a business that exceeds the worth of its physical assets. Does your business fit the bill?

Keep Your Brand Fresh

Consider these 4 signs that it's time to invest in a rebrand for your company.

1. Differentiation Is Not Prioritized

Small businesses often face stiffer competition than larger, more firmly established companies. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that your target audience can see clearly why your business is a cut above the rest. If your company appears to consumers as just another fish in the pond, it's time to invest in a rebrand.

2. Business Model and Brand Disagreement

Another sign that a rebrand is in order is business model and brand disagreement. Over time, business objectives, and the strategies used to accomplish those objectives can change considerably. Where your business model goes, your brand must always follow.

3. Your Brand Has Become Dated

It may seem as though trends and business styles become dated quickly, and as true as that is, it’s important to stay up-to-date with the modern age and your target market. Operating your business on the same philosophy you created five years ago may be hurting your marketing efforts. Staying aware of what’s new is a great credibility booster; it shows your customers you care about long-term success and are customizable to their needs.

4. Decreased Engagement

Every business owner wants customers and potential customers alike to engage and interact with their business. If you are noticing decreased engagement: fewer inquiries, decreased sales, less social media interaction, less website traffic, etc. — you would be wise to act quickly. Decreased engagement often signifies that a brand is fading from the view and minds of consumers.

What to Do Next?
A rebrand could very well be the key to drawing consumers back in, making your business stand out from the crowd and ensuring that you will reap the benefits that having a solid brand brings. For more information or a free consultation from our marketing and branding experts, please do not hesitate to contact us!