The more places online and on social media your audience can find you, the stronger your brand will stand and grow. But don't isolate and nurture your channels independently. Instead, the best way to grow your audience and convert more visitors is to make each platform a tightly-knit part of the whole. Here are two ways to do just that:

5 people standing against white wall and each using their own smartphone

1. Consistently include your contact details

You need to communicate to search engine algorithms, not just people, that your brand exists, so standardization is important with your social media profile pages. For example, one concrete way to make algorithms realize that your company's Facebook page belongs to the same entity as your Google business profile, Twitter profile, and others is to standardize your contact information across all platforms. Always write your address the same way, and always link to the same home page. Make sure your website contains links to your profiles, both naturally within your content and on the contact page.

In addition, cross-promote your social media profiles on other social media platforms. Link to your Twitter profile on your LinkedIn company page, and vice versa. If you release a new YouTube video, promote it on every social media outlet. If you're offering discounts for new customers who start following you on Facebook, make sure you cross-post and cross-promote on your other platforms as well.

2. Stay recognizable

Different social media channels have different audiences and tones, and you need to represent your company slightly differently on each platform to appeal to each core user. Your message needs to be understandable, consistent, and representative of who you are and what you stand for. Make sure your company name, logo, and product focus are clear. 

If you create graphics or infographics as part of your content marketing strategy, always use the same fonts and design themes. These artistic touches can apply across platforms, and they are a small, uniform cue that builds up recognition. The more familiar consumers are with your content, especially across multiple channels, the more likely they are to become long-term customers.

Contact us today for more social media strategies to connect all your profiles to your core business and to build an authentic, strong following online.