In a recent blog post, we discussed a few different actions to take to help boost traffic to your blog. However, if your blog has been in operation for a few months but you're not seeing the traffic to your small business blog you’d like to see, there are a number of reasons that could be contributing to the lack of views.

business owner looking over content for small business blog posts

1. Unclickable Headlines

People won't want to read the rest of your blog if your titles don't grab their attention. Try to stay away from titles that are generic and boring. Instead, use catchy and unique titles that include keywords related to the blog's topic.

2. Inconsistent Posting Schedule

Another reason for the lack of traffic could be due to an inconsistent posting schedule. It’s important to keep an active online presence to ensure your blog stays updated and readers stay interested. We suggest posting new content at least 4 times a month to keep your rankings up and readers coming back for more.

3. Uninteresting Content

Sometimes readers just aren't interested in the content you’re posting. Maybe you're covering the same topics repeatedly on your blog and readers find them outdated or boring. This is why keyword and demographic research is crucial. Research your target audience and find out what kind of information they are interested in reading. Perform keyword research to ensure you’re implementing keywords that are relevant to your content and business. This can help you write fresh and more relevant content on your blog.

4. Inadequate Promotion

One effective way to gain more readers is to promote your blog with different resources. Below are some ideas of how to better promote your small business blog:

  1. Include your blog address on your business cards.
  2. Seek out opportunities to guest blog on sites that relate to your niche.
  3. Post an update about each new blog post on your small business’ social media profiles.
  4. Consider sending a monthly newsletter to subscribers.
  5. If you're sending cold emails to seek out clients, include your blog URL as well as your website.

At Igniting Business, we strive to help small businesses succeed in all their online efforts. For more information about our blogging services, contact us today!