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5 Podcast SEO Tips to Help Boost Your Search Engine Rankings

Podcasting is an excellent new marketing method that, when done right, can be very effective and help you grow your small business. To ensure your podcasts reach your target audience, it is essential to optimize your podcast and episodes for search engines. Keep reading to learn more about podcast SEO and how it can help put your small business in front of more potential customers.

small business using podcast seo to boost rankings

Getting to Know Podcast SEO

Search engine optimization (SEO) increases the quantity and quality of traffic to your podcast using organic search engine results. By optimizing your podcast, you give people more opportunities to discover and listen to your podcast episodes. Check out these five podcast SEO tips.

1. Use Relevant Keywords Within Your Episodes

In order to help consumers find your podcasts based on their interests, it is important to use keywords relevant to your business and industry. Ensure your relevant keywords are spoken (naturally) multiple times throughout your podcast episodes to help search engines understand what your podcast is about and rank your small business accordingly. Even though a listener may be able to infer topics based on context and generalistic language used, search engines benefit from keywords of interest being literally spoken.

2. Create Additional Content to Pair with Your Episodes

Search engines like having numerous forms of content as proof that you are in expert in your field. Pairing your podcast episodes with additional content such as blog posts helps Google determine your authority on a particular topic, helping your small business ascend the ranks on search engines.

3. Optimize the Title, Description, and Tags

In addition to using relevant keywords throughout your podcasts episodes, it is equally as crucial to use keywords within your episode titles and descriptions. Be sure to use relevant keywords prominently and as close to the beginning as possible within your episode titles and descriptions. Note that you should not keyword stuff. Ensure you’re using the keywords naturally and still ultimately writing to capture the interest of your listeners.

4. Transcribe Your Podcast

To help boost your podcast SEO, it is critical to transcribe your podcast episodes. By transcribing your podcast episodes, you can showcase the content in an easily indexable text format, which helps search engines better match parts of your episode to search queries.

If you are embedding your podcast within your website, we recommend having the transcript directly below the podcast so that search engines can analyze the transcript. This also helps visitors who may prefer to re-read key sections of the podcast.

5. Take Advantage of Platform Specific Optimizations

Depending on which podcast distribution platform you use, there may be additional fields available for you to optimize. For instance, some platforms allow additional meta data, chapter markers, and more! We recommend you fill out each and every field to its absolute full potential.

Contact Our SEO Specialists at Igniting Business

Here at Igniting Business, we're dedicated to helping you grow your business. Our SEO specialists can help you optimize your podcasts and other online content to boost your small business’ search engine rankings. To learn more about our SEO services, contact us today!

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