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3 Key Techniques to Improve Your Website

In today's market, it is common knowledge that every business needs a website. Whether you're an international corporation or a local retail store, you need to have a presence on the Internet in order to reach out to your customers and potential customers. Just having a website isn't enough, though. That website needs to be accessible, user-friendly, and optimized for both search engines and your users.  Consider these key tips to make your website even better.

woman using laptop on her lap

#1: Generate Strong Content

If the website’s design and structure is the bones of the website; content is undoubtedly the meat of any website. Too often businesses get caught up in details like their page rank or if their design is fancier than their competitors. Focus on content first, because that is why people are ultimately coming to your site. Customers are typically either looking for an answer to a question or wanting to know why they should select your service or product over your competitors’.

Make sure your website’s content fulfills its intended purpose, whether that is as an e-commerce system for your business to make sales, a place to make reservations at your restaurant, etc. Tailor your content (text, images, videos, calls-to-action, etc.) to fulfill the goals of your website. Purpose should always be put first, otherwise you'll have a lot of frosting with no cake.

#2: Focus on Necessary Features

Your website should be pretty, but it should also be functional. It’s important to find the right balance of features on your website.  If you’re a local restaurant, having an interactive and up-to-date menu on your website will help customers learn more about the food your local restaurant offers. As another example, if you’re a financial planner, ensure customers clearly understand the process of working with you and make it exceptionally easy for a potential client to schedule their initial consultation online. 

On the other hand, some features may be unnecessary for your small business.  If you’re a plumber that services customers at their location, you may not need a map to your office on your website since customers don’t come to your location.  When possible, consider stripping unnecessary features as it can help your page load faster and will provide a better and more efficient user experience.

#3: Implement Optimized Meta Tags and Schema

When you implement appropriate meta tags and schema to your page, what you're doing is assigning it labels that make it easy for search engines to find and understand your content. If your website was a book, for example, you'd want to make sure it was on the right shelf so those looking for what you're offering can easily find it. That's why it pays to take some time to pick the right meta tags and schema of your pages. The clearer you are with what your site provides, the easier a time your customers will have finding you.

Adding appropriate meta tags and schema usually requires advanced web development and SEO knowledge.  If you’re concerned that your web designer is either not implementing this info properly, or that it’s not yielding the results you had hoped, feel free to reach out to our team of SEO Experts.

Taking Your Website to the Next Level

Implementing the three aforementioned techniques will help improve your visibility online and improve your customers’ experience on your website. For more tips on making sure people who visit your site will stay a while, and actually look at the content you're offering them, simply contact us today for a free consultation!

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