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4 Quick Ways to Effectively Use Twitter for Your Small Business

It's often difficult to gain a strong social media following as a small business. Your small business likely has the disadvantage of not being a household name or well-known among many people. But that doesn't mean you should disregard social media altogether or write off certain social media networks, like Twitter for instance. Yes, Twitter is a favorable marketing tool for businesses and audiences. Used strategically, it can be much more than just a place to tweet about your personal thoughts and activities in 140 characters or to follow/retweet your favorite celebrities.

Effectively Using Twitter to Market Your Small Business

Here are some suggestions on how to get the most out of Twitter for your small business.

  1. Brand your account appropriately. Once your account has been created, the best next step is branding your account to reflect your company accurately. This means choosing a Twitter handle, creating a profile picture, and creating a cover photo. Twitter has set ideal dimensions for both profile and cover photos so it’s important to make sure your photos follow those guidelines or they will look stretched, fuzzy, or unprofessional.
  2. Interact with your clients and customers. Start your Twitter quest by following customers and businesses you may already be in contact with through personal encounters, or customers you interact with through other social platforms such as Facebook or LinkedIn. Also follow more customers and businesses you're interested in connecting with that are near you and your business. Tweet them about what's going on in your business as well as taking an interest in responding to their activities. Ask for their feedback. Network with future clients. Come up with some creative and relevant hashtags to increase search visibility. The possibilities are endless.
  3. Tweet frequently. Just as with any other social media network your business uses, tweet regularly. If you’re really busy and struggle with finding consistent time to work on social media, schedule your tweets to go out on a certain day with social media management tools like Hootsuite. Make it a point to tweet and reach out to your audience however you can. It will help gain exposure for your business.
  4. Use Twitter to advertise. To further gain exposure for your business and brand, give Twitter Ads a try. Twitter ad campaigns can be created and tailored to meet your business’s specific needs including driving traffic to your website, creating brand exposure or increasing Twitter followers. You can also gain insight into your followers through the analytics tools Twitter Ads offers. With those tools, you can monitor your business's progress on Twitter and see if this social media platform is benefiting the growth of your customer base at your small business.

Contact us for more information on how to get the most out of Twitter for your small business or for questions regarding our social media management services.

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