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6 Reasons for Using Pointy to Add Your Store’s Products on Google

Pointy by Google is a revolutionary tool that helps businesses drive more foot traffic and customers to their physical stores. With Pointy, brick-and-mortar stores can now capture a much larger portion of the online search visibility and use it to their advantage.

small business using pointy to add products to google and boost seo

How to Use Pointy to Add Products on Google

The way Pointy works is simple. The Pointy box integrates with a business’s existing Point of Sale (POS) to create display product listings, photos, and other relevant information about the products directly on your Google Business Profile. The products then shows up in local Google Search and Google Maps results via your Google Business Profile, making it easier for customers to find and buy items from a local store.

If your POS is Clover, Square or Lightspeed, you don’t even need the Pointy box, but can simply download the Point app directly to your POS system. Learn more about how the Pointy integration works and ready helpful FAQs.

Integrating your products into your presence on Google is a great way to increase foot traffic, especially in this day and age, where more and more consumers start their shopping research online.

local search grid rank tracker

Why You Should Use Pointy for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

1. Increase Your Store’s Visibility

Pointy is a great way to increase your store’s visibility to potential customers as it can improve local search engine rankings. As a business owner, you want to ensure that your website is one of the first to show up when someone in your area searches for a specific product which you offer. Pointy helps you do just that by providing accurate and up-to-date product information and availability to search engines.

2. Target High-Intent Searchers

High-intent searchers are search engine users who are ready to seek and buy specific items. With Pointy, you can target these high-intent searchers and show them your products directly within the search engine result pages.

Pointy helps you target these potential customers by showing your products in your brand’s Google Business Profile. This feature appears on the right-hand side of Google Search, displaying product images, prices, and store info.

3. Showcase Your Product Inventory

Pointy also helps businesses showcase their inventory by providing detailed product information including a green “In Stock” notice or “Limited Stock” for low quantity of items. This feature helps businesses display their products more attractively and can even help them create special offers and promotions.

4. Get Better Consumer Insights

Pointy allows you better insights into your store and customers. You can see which products are most popular in searches and views and which ones are not doing so well. Pointy also provides detailed analytics into how customers interact with your store's products, which can inform decisions or optimize your store's offerings.

For more advanced tracking of your search engine rankings for your target search keywords, consider also using BrightLocal’s rank tracker. You can even get a 14-day free trial without a credit card. You can also use BrightLocal to monitor, manage, and improve the visibility of your key listings including Google, Bing, Yelp, Apple, and more.

5. Enhanced Customer Experience

Pointy also helps improve customer experience. With product listings and photos, customers can see what there is available before they even step foot in your store, increasing the likelihood of purchases made.

6. Using Pointy Is Completely Free

If you sign up for Pointy, Google will ship you the Pointy box or you can use the built-in app on your POS if it supports Pointy. Additionally, there’s zero cost for adding your products to Google via Pointy.

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