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Web Design, SEO, and Marketing Tips and Trends

Check out our comprehensive blog where we cover important Web Design, SEO, and Marketing topics which impact small businesses like yours.

4 Incredible Benefits of Email Marketing for Small Businesses

For small businesses, strategically allocating marketing funds is essential to ensure that each penny invested in marketing reaps benefits to your business. Email marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways of communication between your brand, your customers, and...

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5 Podcast SEO Tips to Help Boost Your Search Engine Rankings

Podcasting is an excellent new marketing method that, when done right, can be very effective and help you grow your small business. To ensure your podcasts reach your target audience, it is essential to optimize your podcast and episodes for search...

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5 Popular Web Design Trends of 2021

Technology continues to grow by leaps and bounds and extraordinary website design is no exception. Throughout this year, several web design trends have increased in popularity. All of these popular trends work together to provide users with greater function and a...

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How to Use Podcasts to Reach Your Audience and Grow Your Small Business

As a small business, in order to stay ahead of the competition, it’s important to ensure you are utilizing marketing methods that work best for your business. If your small business is looking for a new marketing strategy, podcasts are a...

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6 Blogging Mistakes Your Small Business Should Avoid

Starting a blog for your small business can help drive organic traffic to your website, build your online reputation, and boost your search engine rankings. However, blogging can be a daunting task for many small businesses and continuing to make common...

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The Difference Between a CMS and a Website Builder Platform

When it comes to your small business website, content management systems (CMS) and website builders can help make editing and updating your site and content easy. But how do you choose between a CMS and a website builder? While both options...

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6 Tips for Creating Shareable Content for Your Small Business

As a small business today, the secret to growing your brand and attracting more customers lies in your online marketing technique. In order to put your small business in front of more consumers and generate more potential leads, it’s important to...

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How Creating a Customer Profile Can Improve Your Small Business E-Commerce Website

Given the state of the world today, it is extremely important for your small business to have a fully functional e-commerce website if possible. Today, more and more people turn online to search for and purchase their desired products and services...

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Why Shotgun Marketing is Inferior to PPC Advertising for Most Small Businesses

Shotgun marketing is an age-old method that involves mass advertising your products, services, and business to a large audience. This technique is used by businesses to reach out to consumers on popular mass media channels, in hopes of attracting a surplus...

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How to Effectively Use Google Analytics to Grow Your Small Business

Google Analytics is an important online tool that helps website owners assess and identify action necessary to improve their websites. By using Google Analytics, you can determine factors such as: The number of users visiting your websiteWhich devices your visitors are...

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4 Features to Look for in a CMS Platform

A CMS, or content management system, is a custom tailored, advanced database-driven, online system that streamlines web management. While you may not be familiar with the term “CMS”, you probably can think of a couple of CMS platforms, like WordPress and...

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Generate Leads and Increase Sales for Your Small Business Using White Papers

Boosting traffic and generating leads are crucial components of success for small businesses. In order to achieve these goals, an effective content marketing strategy is essential. White papers are a powerful marketing tool that can help your small business establish authority...

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3 Fundamental Website Mistakes Your Small Business Should Avoid

As a small business owner today, having a well-designed, functioning website is crucial for your success. Even if you have the best products and the smartest service, if your small business website is lacking in any way, you'll fall behind your...

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Social Media Updates: What's New for Your Small Business' Page in 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many small businesses have had to completely change the way they do business by transitioning from in-person to more online business operations. As such, during these uncertain times, maintaining an active online presence is essential for...

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3 Benefits of YouTube SEO for Your Small Business

With the rise of social media, video has become a powerful and effective marketing tool for many small businesses. Like with any other online content, in order for your marketing videos to rank well on both search engines and YouTube, it...

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3 Trends Shaping E-Commerce in 2021

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, online shopping increased exponentially throughout 2020 and consumers became increasingly reliant on using their smartphones, tablets, and laptops to make purchases. Today, advancements in technology are allowing online retailers to make shopping and transactions easier than...

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Marketing Tips to Help Promote Your Small Business and Gain Visibility

In order to promote your small business, gain visibility, increase sales, and grow as a company, having a robust and comprehensive marketing plan in place is crucial. While there are a host of marketing techniques out there, not all will apply...

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Improve Your Small Business’ Search Engine Ranking and Expand Your Reach with Keyword Variety

Today, with many consumers never looking past the first page of Google when searching for a specific product/service, achieving a high search engine ranking is essential for your small business’ success. In order to boost your ranking, it’s critical to utilize...

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Evaluate Your Small Business Website in 2021

In today’s competitive landscape and with the majority of consumers searching for products and services online, having a website is critical for your small business’ continued success. However, just having a functioning website isn't enough. If your small business website is...

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3 Steps to Help Your Small Business Develop an Impressive Marketing Strategy

In order for your small business to succeed in today’s competitive landscape, developing an impressive, unique marketing strategy is critical. With all the changes that 2020 brought for small businesses, as we enter 2021, now is an excellent time to redefine...

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Google's Everchanging Algorithm Updates and What They Mean for Your Small Business

As technology continues to evolve and as more and more people search for and purchase products/services online, updates to search engines and Google’s algorithms are continually made to better serve consumers and businesses alike. However, as a small business owner, keeping...

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