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Web Design, SEO, and Marketing Tips and Trends

Check out our comprehensive blog where we cover important Web Design, SEO, and Marketing topics which impact small businesses like yours.

3 Common Myths About Graphic Design

Design in today's digital age is increasingly important since every medium of content needs to attract more eyes more quickly. Our attention zips from one appealing thing to another, and we only stick around if what we're consuming is aesthetically pleasing...

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Does Your E-Commerce Site Suffer from Duplicate Content?

Recently, a website visitor reached out to us with a very common issue. They are a small business with an e-commerce website, and their product pages included mostly duplicate content. This is not uncommon, as many manufacturers and suppliers will provide...

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The Latest on Microsoft Azure: Cloud Software that Simplifies Data Backup and Disaster Recovery

You may have seen this software advertised one way or another on the Internet, but do you know what it is and what amazing things it can do for your business? Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform released in February...

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4 Reasons Why MailChimp Outshines Constant Contact for Small Business Email Marketing

As a small business owner, it’s extremely important to maintain a relationship with your clients. A great way to reach a wider audience is through email marketing. Email marketing lets you send a more personal message and sales pitch directly to...

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7 Common Small Business’ SEO Fears Debunked

Business owners are experts in doing what they do best, which is running their own industry-specific organization. Most recognize the evolution of the internet and online marketing has expanded their customer base and streamlined many business processes. Still, it can be...

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FAQ: On Which Social Media Platforms are Hashtags Popular?

Before social media, hashtags (#) were simply known as the "pound” symbol. Hashtags are now commonly known to us as a way to display keywords or phrases such as #Marketing or #SmallBusiness. When including these hashtags in social media posts, people...

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The Rise of Website Hacks

If it seems as if in recent months there has been a notable rise in website hacks, you are not alone in your analysis. In 2016 alone, there were data breaches in major organizations such as LinkedIn, Snapchat, UC Berkley, Wendy's...

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8 Common Reasons Small Businesses Fail at Using Google AdWords

A Google AdWords campaign is a powerful tool to bring your business right into the search results of people who are actively looking for the products or services you provide, or who are searching for something relevant to your business. For...

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Is Your Website Still Using a Flash Player for Videos or Animations?

One of the latest trends seen in web design is being pushed by one of the major browser players today: Google. If your website design is still using Adobe Flash Player, then Google is about to make it a little more...

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Trends in E-commerce Websites for Small Businesses in 2017

Internet Retailer predicts by 2018, U.S. customers alone will generate at least $400 billion in online spending. For small organizations, it is therefore vital to stay current with small business e-commerce website trends to meet the growing needs of customers. So...

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The Importance of Social Media Branding and How to Perfect It

The trending influence of social networking on customers is something of which all businesses should take advantage. Whether you’re a B2C or B2B company, the rising benefits are the same. Through social media you're able to interact with customers and other...

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4 Quick Ways to Effectively Use Twitter for Your Small Business

It's often difficult to gain a strong social media following as a small business. Your small business likely has the disadvantage of not being a household name or well-known among many people. But that doesn't mean you should disregard social media...

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5 Practical Tips on How to Rank Well on Google

Google continues to adapt its algorithm that determines how well your site pulls up in search results. As customers increasingly rely on mobile devices, it's more important than ever to find new ways to get a top Google ranking for your...

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Top 4 Benefits of Outsourcing IT

Often when you're just getting your company off the ground, everyone wears multiple hats. While this means that you can hire fewer employees, it also means that certain jobs aren't being given the undivided attention they need, including IT needs. When...

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7 Quick Tips for Online Marketing Success

Online marketing and any act of promoting or selling your products or services can sometimes be tricky, especially for those stuck in their ways or those who don’t keep up with present-day marketing trends. Often companies find that the strategies they...

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Why Small Businesses Need a Mobile Responsive Website

It's no secret that most individuals now regularly use their smart phones as much, if not more than their laptops or PCs. This is particularly true for young people who often don't even bother to buy a traditional computer anymore but...

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Don't Forget the Visuals!

According to HubSpot, 40% of people who are online today respond better to images than they do to written content. This is a large amount of people whom you're losing business from if you don't include visuals in your online marketing....

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5 Things We Love About Running Igniting Business in Columbia, MO

At Igniting Business, we’re celebrating our 5-year anniversary in 2017! We couldn’t be more thankful for our amazing clients and team. We began our company in Columbia, Missouri. As we reflect over our past five years, we thought it was only...

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4 Technology Tools to Use this New Year

New year, new habits, right? Technology is a must-have in every business and for small businesses, this is no exception. Sure, a lack of money and resources makes staying up-to-date with well-known companies an uphill battle. But many technology tools for...

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Igniting Business Turns 5 - Celebrate with Us

I started Igniting Business in 2012 as a Junior attending Mizzou. I am a web developer and technology fanatic who began creating websites for corporate clients while still in my teenage years. As I developed websites for small businesses, I found...

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Fundamental Content Marketing Tips

Content marketing is as important as ever in order to connect with a clearly defined audience to gain the right attention and, of course, a profit! As a small business, it’s especially important to keep up with the latest marketing tactics....

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