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Web Design, SEO, and Marketing Tips and Trends

Check out our comprehensive blog where we cover important Web Design, SEO, and Marketing topics which impact small businesses like yours.

Using Twitter to Gain Customers for your Small Business

As a small business, you may have trouble reaching and connecting with potential customers. How can you use Twitter to increase your online visibility to attract new customers? Twitter can be a valuable platform for many small businesses when properly implemented and utilized. ...

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Take the Lead with SEO Competitor Analysis

In many respects the world wide web has been a major game changer for small businesses. The web has opened up a company's door to a 24/7, world-wide audience. Customers can reach businesses anytime, anywhere with the simple touch of a...

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Shopping on Social Media: Instagram's Newest Feature

Recently, Instagram released its shopping feature to a general audience, including users in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Japan, Spain, and more. The feature gives approved businesses the ability to tag products in a post. Users can then view product details...

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Why Guest Posting Can Be a Savvy Marketing Approach for Small Businesses

Numerous industry and market-focused blogs exist across the web. These websites are packed full of resources, and quality blogs often come with a devoted following of readers. Guest posting on key blogs allows you to reach new audiences with your content,...

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Use LinkedIn's Smart Replies to Keep Your Network Open to Business Interactions

LinkedIn has existed on the periphery of what most users consider social media for years, but they're making a more and more concerted effort to gain legitimacy in that stage. While it's not as all-encompassing or as interactive as Twitter or...

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3 Social Media Mistakes That Will Shrink Your Small Business's Following

If your small business is on social media, you're likely there to grow your customer base, audience, and following. Unfortunately, we can make very basic mistakes that will get fewer people to follow us, and may even drive away some users...

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6 Key Tips for a Successful E-commerce-Based Small Business

Balancing a business, regardless of size, can be incredibly difficult. Management may be an incredibly demanding job and unpredictable journey; however, there are a few things you can do to lighten your entrepreneurial load when it comes to selling online. Focus. The...

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Video Marketing Trends to Grow Your Small Business

YouTube's global reach is far and wide, with users spending a billion hours consuming video content. Average people can gain celebrity fame and there are videos suited for everyone's needs, so this platform will surely continue growth throughout the year. Video marketing has become...

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Logo Design Trends In 2018

Your logo is arguably the most recognizable part of your business. People know who Pepsi and McDonalds are due to their iconic logos and their tie to their brand and products. But that doesn't mean you're limited to your original logo design....

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Latest Statistics on Website and Network Hacks: How it Affects Small Businesses

It's easy to assume that being a small business, you'll be easily overlooked by hackers and other criminals, but sadly, that's not the case. In May of 2018, the Internet Crime Complaint Center division (IC3) of the FBI released a Public...

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Using Social Media in Your Small Business Marketing Strategy

Social media continues to play a major role in the way we conduct our personal and business lives. Your peers and favorite organizations use social media to promote ideas and share with the global community. Additionally, successful brands use social media...

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How to Invest in Small Business Technology When Replacements or Upgrades Aren't in the Budget

In a recent blog, we talked about how to budget for IT upgrades in your small business, but what if you can find the funds for those large investments?  Computers wear down over time. They get filled up with old documents,...

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Use Visuals in Content Delivery to Expand Your Audience

Almost everyone has a preferred method of learning new information, even if they don't completely realize nor understand their own effective learning style. Some people are visual learners and create connections with photos, videos, and media. Others need to read and...

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Using Business Cards as a Promotional Tool

When it comes to the business world, having a strong business card is the key to starting new relationships. From networking with possible clients, connecting with business professionals in your industry, contacting leads, recruiting new hires, using the right business card...

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Does Your Online Presence Include Photos of Real People?

No matter what business you're in, online marketing success depends on good graphics. Visual displays decide everything from consumers' faith in your website's legitimacy to the likelihood of a product's reliability. One of the most important graphical elements to include on...

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How and Why to Start an IT Budget for Your Small Business

We posted recently about the importance of embracing and upgrading IT in your small business, but how do you find the cash to actually implement those needed upgrades?  Small businesses have tight profit margins. If you're entering periods of new growth,...

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4 Tips to Keep Customers Coming Back for More

Getting customers is hard, but keeping customers can be harder. Sometimes all it takes is a single bad experience, an off-day with customer service, or just a product defect to make a customer take his or her business elsewhere. For small...

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Technology Can Transform Your Small Businesses

At this point, there is no denying the hold technology has over us - both personally and professionally. Whether we are scrolling through our Facebook in the morning or playing music on Spotify, it has permeated our personal lives. Similarly, technology...

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How Will Facebook's Viewable-Only Impressions Affect Your Small Business

Facebook is changing their metrics to count viewable-only impressions of posts and ads instead of basing their impression count on when a post or ad is served. They announced the change back in 2016, but the updates to their metrics tools...

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3 Mobile Web Design Trends Emerging in 2018

In 2016, mobile use moved ahead of desktop browsing and it has increased with every passing year.  Additionally, Google has begun rolling out it’s “Mobile First Index” which ranks each website based on its mobile experience, instead of the desktop experience. ...

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Marketing Tips for Small Businesses: 4 Lessons Learned from Big Flops in History

We often look at businesses that have prospered over the years and learn important lessons from their experience and success. After all, recreating success is often our goal, especially if that success launched a company into the stratosphere in earnings and...

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